Occupational Mechanics
An overview of the different occupations within Southside City.
Occupations are encouraged to be constantly switched whenever you feel like experiencing a different style of gameplay. General skill XP and the items you earn throughout gameplay are not altered upon a change.
Who do you want to play as in Southside City? Your occupation allows you to have access to specific gear and actions. For example, a drug dealer can purchase narcotics seeds and start a grow operation, whereas a bartender can set up shop and sell spirits to players.
Occupations may be switched at any time, meaning you can choose what style of gameplay you want at any given moment.
Each occupation is designed to encourage interaction with other players, allowing for a highly-interactive RP environment. As an example, bartenders are the only ones who can sell spirits and establish illegal gambling rings. If you don’t want to play the high action lifestyle of other professions (such as a hitman), you can be a bartender and due to the exclusive items you can provide for other players. You’re guaranteed to have a great experience no matter what meta-career you choose for yourself.
Each occupation has ways to earn the $SSC token through gameplay. If you’re a cafe owner, the more you sell and have people hang out in your shop, the more tokens you earn. If you’re a hitman, you earn tokens for successful hits. No matter what your gameplay style is, you’ll have a chance to earn $SSC (which you can swap it for cryptocurrency or cosmetic NFT’s!).
Current Testnet Occupations:
Police Officer
Swat Officer
Southside City Mayor
Southside City Commissar
Weapons Dealer
Vehicular Mechanic
Cafe/Restaurant Owner
Train Conductor
Club Owner
Movie Theatre Owner
Hotel Manager
Museum Curator
Coin Miner
Delivery Driver
Professional Thief
Last updated